The Vision
The vision for the Ompio Campus is born out of the need to create a place where human beings can learn deeply, co-create and reconnect themselves to the big knowledge and being conscious to be a part of nature. Ompio Campus is playing an active and constructive part in the current major shift of our human civilisation. It is a place for integration, studying and research, as well as a place for healing collective traumas. Creating a peaceful future – embedded in a mindful way.
The Concept
The concept fosters the evolution of an integral paradigm in education, it is anticipating, as a catalyst, the big change of paradigms. A unique and multifunctional concept closely connected with nature in the spirit of awareness – inspires a dynamic, innovative and integral field for learning and co-creation. The Campus is the stage to experiment for all protagonists and disciplines, which are part of the future forms of education. The multi-diversity of the elements present enhancing countless synergies and positive side-effects for all kind of visitors and stakeholders, including the local community.
Our Goals
The goal of OMPIO CAMPUS is to provide, support and evaluate holistic, innovative learning content for INTEGRAL LEARNING in order to best support future generations of engaged people in their social process.
This includes the promotion of educational initiatives, the provision and further development of tools for social and ecological change.
OMPIO CAMPUS promotes sustainable business practices to solve global challenges, implemented in concrete projects at the local, regional level.
The Status
Currently the Campus team is working on a master plan to develop both areas, for FUTURE NAVIGATORS.
In order to realize the project, we will upgrade the internal and external infrastructure of the existing structures, and at the same time create the blueprints for the new facilities on the site.
In order to realize this vision we depend on financial support and partners to share this dream with us. For more information on how to contribute, visit the support section.